http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/wyly/201604… 第一,据向有关部门了解:2014年11月29日,肯尼亚警方在当地一民居内发现大量涉嫌用于电信诈骗犯罪的电子通讯设备,抓获48名大陆犯罪嫌疑人、28名台湾犯罪嫌疑人,成功打掉一个电信诈骗犯罪团伙。该团伙在肯尼亚首都内罗毕设立诈骗窝点,向北京、江苏、湖南、四川等9省、直辖市拨打网络电话,冒充大陆公检法机关大肆实施诈骗,被骗群众100余人,涉案金额600多万元人民币。2016年4月8日,该国警方又抓获涉嫌向中国大陆拨打电话实施诈骗的19名大陆犯罪嫌疑人、22名台湾犯罪嫌疑人。肯尼亚执法部门经审查,决定将上述人员中的77名中国大陆和台湾犯罪嫌疑人遣返中国大陆。第一批10名犯罪嫌疑人已于4月9日被带回,第二批67名犯罪嫌疑人于4月13日上午被带回。这两批嫌犯中台湾犯罪嫌疑人共计45名。 …… 第四,由于这些不法分子在境外从事的犯罪行为,受害人全部为大陆居民,大陆当然有司法管辖权。况且有关国家是我建交国。为彻底查明全部案件事实,本着有利于侦查的原则,我司法部门将严格依法对台湾犯罪嫌疑人开展侦查调查工作,相关犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益也会依法得到保障。
http://news.xinhuanet.com/tw/2016-0… 大陆方面对此事的处理是合法、合理、合情的。”上海台湾研究所常务副所长倪永杰说,从法律上讲,由于受害人全部是大陆居民,按照国际刑事诉讼的属地管辖原则,大陆方面当然拥有司法管辖权,有权将相关嫌犯在大陆起诉、判刑。肯尼亚将涉案嫌犯遣返中国大陆,完全符合司法程序、符合一个中国原则。 北京师范大学国际刑法研究所所长黄风表示,从目前掌握的情况看,有关刑事案件是由肯尼亚和中国大陆立案侦查,由于嫌犯是在肯尼亚活动并被抓获,肯尼亚享有优先司法管辖权。当肯尼亚决定终止审理时,由于中国大陆还在侦查,因此大陆有权要求肯尼亚方面提供刑事合作,将相关嫌犯遣返中国大陆。这是正常、合法的国际司法合作。 “对于相关嫌犯,台湾方面并未立案侦查,因此不存在大陆方面违反两岸共同打击犯罪及司法互助协议的问题。”黄风表示,将涉案的台湾犯罪嫌疑人遣返中国大陆,不构成任何对人权的侵犯。大陆司法部门将严格依法对犯罪嫌疑人开展侦查调查工作,相关犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益会依法得到保障。
http://news.m4.cn/2016-04/1307144.s… 针对肯尼亚警方将台湾籍嫌犯遣送到大陆一事,肯尼亚内政部发言人姆温达·恩乔卡(Mwenda Njoka)12日表示,这些台湾人非法滞留肯尼亚,肯尼亚把他们遣送回他们来自的地方,他们从大陆来到肯尼亚,因此遣返回大陆。 综合外媒、台媒4月13日报道,恩乔卡接受路透社电话访问时说:“他们来自中国,我们把他们送回中国,通常你非法去到另一个国家,你会被送回你最后离境的港口(机场)。” 被问到肯尼亚警方使用武力强押台湾人,恩乔卡回应说:“肯尼亚警方有义务确保非法滞留在此地的人被送回他们来自的地方。”他说,这些台湾人经由大陆非法进入肯尼亚,他们“没有合法的文件”。至于台湾为此批评大陆,恩乔卡说:“我们不想介入。”

http://www.nairobi.diplo.de/content… 43.Power to remove persons unlawfully present in Kenya
(2) A person against whom an order has been made under this section shall—
(a) be returned to the place where he originated from, or with the approval of the Cabinet Secretary, to a place in the country of habitual residence, permanent residence or citizenship, or to any place to which he consents to be taken if the competent authorities or government of that place consents to admit him or her to the country; or……
Sec.43(2)(a)原則上遣送違法入境者是以出生地為準(the place where he originated from),透過比對下文選項(居住地、永久居留權、公民權、被遣送者與受遣返處政府同意)以及其他國家比較常見的詞“country of origin”,可以知道這裡是與國籍有關的出生地優先,其他選擇必須經過內閣閣員批准。肯亞將台灣人遣返中國(據信是廣州白雲機場)可見是基於「一中原則」送回「祖國」,已經是對台灣主權的一大侵害(總不會是被丟催淚彈後同意去中國吧)。
57. Review and Appeal
(1) Any person aggrieved by a decision of a public officer made under this Act may apply to the High Court for a review of the decision.
(2) An appeal against the decisions of the Cabinet Secretary or of the Service under this Act may be made to the High Court.
49. Power of arrest and search of persons
(1) Within twenty four hours after a permanent resident or a foreign national is taken into detention, or without delay afterward, the arresting officer of the Service shall produce the person detained before a judicial officer to review the reasons for the continued detention.
半夜想起祖國的汕液,台灣人都會嚇出一身冷汗。Quo Vadis Formosa?
根據肯亞適用非大英國協國家引渡法( EXTRADITION (CONTIGUOUS AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES ACT, CAP.76),逮捕受要求引渡的嫌疑犯是要部長發令狀,而且由行政官員進行聽證的,就算4/5那一批有作好了,之後被破門、丟催淚彈、送返中國的台籍嫌犯會有經過聽證?更別說聽證以外還有羈押、提審程序欸!下面就列主要幾個條文給大家看:
5. Requisition for surrender(引渡要求)
(1) A requisition for the surrender of a fugitive criminal of any country who is in or suspected of being in Kenya shall be made to the Minister by a diplomatic representative or consular officer of that country and, upon receipt of such requisition, the Minister may, by order under his hand, signify to a magistrate that a requisition has been made and require the magistrate to issue his warrant for the arrest and detention of the fugitive criminal.
6. Issue of warrant(逮捕令)
(2) A magistrate issuing a warrant under this section without an order from the Minister shall forthwith send a report of the fact of the issue, together with the evidence and information or complaint or certified copies thereof, to the Minister, who may order the warrant to be cancelled and the person who has been arrested and detained on the warrant to be discharged.
(3) A fugitive criminal when arrested on a warrant under this section shall be brought before a magistrate as soon as possible.
(4) A fugitive criminal arrested and detained on a warrant issued without the order of the Minister shall be discharged by the magistrate unless the magistrate, within such reasonable time as, with reference to the circumstances of the case, he may fix, receives from the Minister an order signifying that a requisition has been made for the surrender of the criminal.
7. Hearing of case and evidence(聽證)
(1) When a fugitive criminal is brought before a magistrate, the magistrate shall hear the case in the same manner and have the same jurisdiction and powers, as nearly as may be, as in a trial before a subordinate court.
(2) The magistrate shall receive any evidence which may be tendered to show that the case is one to which the relevant provisions of section 16 apply or that the crime of which the prisoner is accused is not an extradition crime.
8. Committal or discharge of prisoner(對被要求引渡者,不是羈押,就是釋放)
(1) In the case of a fugitive criminal accused of an extradition crime, if the foreign warrant authorizing the arrest of the criminal is duly authenticated, and such evidence is produced as, subject to the provisions of this Act, would according to the law of Kenya, justify the committal for trial of the prisoner if the crime of which he is accused was committed in Kenya, the magistrate shall commit him to prison, but otherwise shall order him to be discharged.
(2) In the case of a fugitive criminal alleged to have been convicted of an extradition crime, if such evidence is produced as, subject to the provisions of this Act would, according to the law of Kenya, prove that the prisoner was convicted of such crime, the magistrate shall commit him to prison, but otherwise shall order him to be discharged.
(3) If the magistrate commits such criminal to prison, he shall commit him to prison to await the warrant of the Minister for his surrender; and the magistrate shall forthwith send to the Minister a certificate of the committal and such report on the case as he may think fit.
9. Surrender of fugitive criminal(羈押15天內不會被引渡,還可以提審,怎樣都違反這條啊)
(1) Whenever a magistrate commits a fugitive criminal to prison under this Part of this Act he shall inform the criminal that he will not be surrendered until after the expiration of fifteen days and that he has a right to apply for the issue of directions in the nature of habeas corpus.